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Advanced Player Configuration

PlaybackOptions encapsulates most of the different configurations of the Player that can be leveraged to customize the player behaviour. It is an optional parameter that provides granular control over many aspects of playback.

Best practice

The Player already has default values for all the PlaybackOptions, which are reliably optimal for most scenarios. It is recommended to override the default behaviour only to enforce any specific tried and tested behaviour, as invalid or inexact values can adversely affect the playback experience.

It is recommended to make all of these properties remotely configurable to ensure the ability to tweak playback behaviour remotely.

Initialize PlaybackOptions

It can be passed to the player using PlayerBuilder and cannot be changed after the playback has started.

let playbackOptions = {
maxBuffer: 30,


Buffering Strategy

The various aspects of the default buffering strategy can be configured using the below-mentioned properties. Changing these values can affect the video start time and re-buffering ratio of the player.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
minBuffernumber2Min buffer time (seconds) required to start playback; affects startup and rebuffering (must be less than max buffer; overridden by DASH manifest's minBufferTime if greater).
maxBuffernumber10Max buffer time (seconds) to be buffered ahead of playhead (must be greater than or equal to minBuffer).
bufferBehindnumber30The maximum number of seconds of content that the StreamingEngine will keep in buffer behind the playhead
ignoreMinBufferTimebooleanfalseThis setting enables player configuration to override manifest for rebuffering behavior. When enabled, the DASH parser disregards the minBufferTime specified in the manifest.

const playbackOptions = {
minBuffer: 2,
maxBuffer: 10,
bufferBehind: 30,
ignoreMinBufferTime: false,


Initial Track Selection

The player bitrate selection based on previous network information provided by underlying browser. To dictates the preferred bit rate at start of the playback ensure the useNetworkInformation as false. Only then player will pick the bitrate we set using preferredBitrate, it can be passed to playbackOptions to override the default estimate and start with a better suited track. This can also help in optimizing video start time.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
useNetworkInformationbooleantrueRepresents initial network bandwidth, in bits per second, that the player will attempt to use on startup for the optimal track variant selection.
preferredBitratenumberNAThe preferredBitrate to use if there is not enough data, in bit/sec. Some browsers implement the Network Information API, which allows retrieving information about a users network connection

const playbackOptions = {
useNetworkInformation: false
preferredBitrate: 250000,


Network Configurations

The amount of time the player is supposed to wait before considering a network call as failed can be configured using the below-mentioned properties.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
stallTimeoutnumber30stall timeout in sec, after which we abort
connectionTimeoutnumber30connectiontimeout in sec, after which we abort
networkTimeoutnumber30Abort network requests after this amount of time, in seconds.
bufferTimeoutMsnumber40000This allows to set a timeout in milliseconds ex: 40000 (40 sec), to handle the indefinite buffering on playback.
networkRetriesnumber2Indicates The maximum number of times the request should be retried before fail
retryDelaynumber1the retry delay in seconds between retries

const playbackOptions = {
stallTimeout: false
connectionTimeout: 30,
networkTimeout: 30 ,
bufferTimeoutMs: 40000,
networkRetries: 2,
retryDelay: 1,


Stall Configurations

Streaming stalls, where playback freezes momentarily, can disrupt the viewing experience. These configuration helps effectively handle stall on playback.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
stallSkipnumber0.1The number of seconds that the player will skip forward when a stall has been detected. If 0, the player will pause and immediately play instead of seeking. A value of 0 is recommended and provided as default on TV platforms (WebOS, Tizen, Chromecast, etc).
stallThersholdnumber1The maximum number of seconds that may elapse without the playhead moving (when playback is expected) before it will be labeled as a stall.
stallEnabledbooleantrueWhen set to true, the stall detector logic will run. If the playhead stops moving for stallThreshold seconds, the player will either seek or pause/play to resolve the stall, depending on the value of stallSkip.

Adaptive Track Selection Strategy

The below-mentioned properties can be modified to dictate the strategy of the player to be employed when selecting tracks i.e. switching up / down in quality after the playback starts.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
minTotalBytesnumber12e3Minimum number of bytes sampled before we trust the estimate.
minBytesnumber16e3Minimum number of bytes, under which samples are discarded Our models do not include latency information, so connection startup time (time to first byte) is considered part of the download time. Because of this, we should ignore very small downloads which would cause our estimate to be too low
fastHalfLifenumber2The quantity of prior samples (by weight) used when creating a new estimate, in seconds.
slowHalfLifenumber5The quantity of prior samples (by weight) used when creating a new estimate, in seconds.
bandwidthUpgradeTargetnumber0.85The fraction of the estimated bandwidth which we should try to use when upgrading.
bandwidthDowngradeTargetnumber0.95The largest fraction of the estimated bandwidth we should use. We should downgrade to avoid this.
switchIntervalnumber8The minimum amount of time that must pass between switches, in seconds.

const playbackOptions = {
minTotalBytes: 128000,
minBytes: 16000,
fastHalfLife: 2,
slowHalfLife: 5,
bandwidthUpgradeTarget: 0.85
bandwidthDowngradeTarget: 0.95
switchInterval: 8


Latency / Start position in Live streams

Presentation delay is the player constantly maintains the gap between player and live origin/server
By default, the presentation delay is determined by suggestedPresenationDelay provided in the manifest. It prevents the player from frequent buffering.

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
ignoreSuggestedPresentationDelaybooleanfalseThe target offset time from live edge in milliseconds. The player will attempt to get as close as possible to this live offset during playback. If this property is set, the value calculated from the manifest will be ignored.
defaultPresentationDelayNumberDASH Streams: 1.5 x minBufferTime specified in Manifest
HLS Streams: Duration of 3 segments
The delay prevents the player goes into frequent buffering, maintain the delay from live origin. so player can build up adequate buffer.
const playbackOptions = {
ignoreSuggestedPresentationDelay: true
defaultPresentationDelay: 25.6


Advanced DRM configurations

The Widevine DRM Level 3 (L3) offers a less secure playback environment compared to Levels 1 (L1) and 2 (L2). This is because L3 relies solely on software-based decryption, making it susceptible to screen recording or capture on some devices.

Enhancing Security with Robustness Levels

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
videoRobustnessstringNAThe target offset time from live edge in milliseconds. The player will attempt to get as close as possible to this live offset during playback. If this property is set, the value calculated from the manifest will be ignored.
audioRobustnessstringNAThe minimum playback speed the player can use to fall back when trying to reach the target live offset.
playbackOptions.advancedDrmConfiguration = {
videoRobustness: 'HW_SECURE_DECODE',
audioRobustness: 'SW_SECURE_CRYPTO',


Precision Live Streming with SSAI

Target Live offset is the position in the Live window that the player tries to consistently play at, behind the live edge.
By default, the target offset is calculated from the properties of the manifest such as suggestedPresentationDelay, minBufferTime, etc.

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
autoCorrectDriftbooleantrueIf true, ignore the availabilityStartTime in the manifest and instead use the segments to determine the live edge. This allows us to play streams that have a lot of drift. If false, we can't play content where the manifest specifies segments in the future.
clockSyncUristringNAAn individual client's clock can be potentially very far off, but even small inaccuracies can have a big impact on playback. If the UTCTiming element is present in the manifest, the client can synchronize its clock by that. If not, the configured clockSyncUri will be used as a fallback
playbackOptions = {
autoCorrectDrift: false,
clockSyncUri: '',


Closed Caption Configuration

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
segmentRelativeVttTimingbooleanfalseTo calculate VTT text timings relative to the segment start instead of relative to the period start (which is the default).
forceTransmuxTSbooleanfalseTransmux TS content even if not strictly necessary for the assets to be played, If this is true. Player currently only supports CEA 708 captions by transmuxing, so this value is necessary for enabling them on platforms with native TS support like Edge or Chromecast.
playbackOptions = {
segmentRelativeVttTiming: true,
forceTransmuxTS: false,


Dynamic playback quality control

This section introduces the player.restrictQuality() function, designed to enhance user experience by dynamically adjusting video quality based on the video element's size on the screen. This feature ensures quality with optimal bandwidth selection, considerably useful on (eg: multi view, pip, mobile browser). Default is false.

const player = playerBuilder

// When the player enters PiP mode, Multi-view, Mobile browsers eg:(iPhone, iPad, Android)

// when the player exiting PiP mode, Multi-view, Mobile browsers eg:(iPhone, iPad, Android)

Preferred Video/Audio Codecs

This configuration dictates the player to pick the configured codecs in prioirty over others on playback.

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
preferredVideoCodecsstring[]NAThe list of preferred video codecs, in order of highest to lowest priority.
preferredAudioCodecsstring[]NAThe list of preferred audio codecs, in order of highest to lowest priority
playbackOptions = {
preferredVideoCodecs: ['vp09', 'avc1.640028'];
preferredAudioCodecs: ['mp4a.40.2']


Preferred Keysystems

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
preferredKeySystemsstring[]NAIf no key system is preferred, or no preferred key systems is valid, we'll fall back to the original behavior of choosing the first key system with configured license server url in the manifest.
playbackOptions = {
preferredKeySystems : ['com.widevine.alpha', ''];


Network Error Handling and Retry Strategies

This setting enhances the player's resilience against network errors (http-errors or network drops).

Property NameTypeDefaultDescription
infiniteRetriesOnNetworkErrorbooleanfalseAllows player to retry infinite times during http-error or network drop. If true will retry the streams infinite times.
playbackOptions = {
infiniteRetriesOnNetworkError: false;
