Server Side Ad Insertion in Yospace player
The fl-ad-yospace library integrates with Yospace to offer Server Side Ad Insertion capability for both VOD and Live.
Yospace AdManagement library must be embedded with app. The Yospace library has components and source files which must be copied to your channel app's components and source folder as in below strucure.
- App
- components
- source
- components
Please use the Yospace library version shipped with the Quickplay libraries.
Please add bs_libs_required=roku_ads_lib
on your manifest file
Wiring Authorization Response
Once an asset is authorized for Playback (refer Authorize Playback for an Asset), the authorization response indicates if the content is ad enabled. The Ad player must be setup only when this flag is enabled.
Name | Description |
ssaiEnabled | Indicates whether the content is Ad enabled |
Create Ad Player
The FLAdYospacePlayer
component can be created programmatically as well as can be added to a Scene Graph node component directly.
flPlayer = createObject("roSGNode", "FLAdYospacePlayer")
This ad player can be used like conventional player from FLPlayer library for playback.
Player Fields and Functions
The FLAdYospacePlayer
component is an extension of FLPlayer
component and has its own fields and function in addition to existing ones from FLPlayer
The fields and function names can be accessed from fields FLPlayerFields
and FLPlayerFunctions
on player.
' get Player field name constants
flPlayerFields = flPlayer.FLPlayerFields
' get Player function name constants
flPlayerFunctions = flPlayer.FLPlayerFunctions
FLAdYospacePlayer fields
FLAdYospacePlayer functions
Playback with Ad Player
Since FLAdYospacePlayer
is an extension of FLPlayer
it provides the same playback features as the base player. You can set PlaybackAsset
to the player and invoke player control functions to perform playback.
Observering Ad Playback Events
You can listen events from FLAdYospacePlayer
by observing fields on the ad player node. All the node fields can be observed for change as supported with SceneGraph.
Please refer player component for the complete list of fields that provide ad events.
flPlayer.observeField(flPlayerFields.AD_BREAK_STARTED, "onAdBreakStarted")
flPlayer.observeField(flPlayerFields.AD_BREAK_FINISHED, "onAdBreakEnded")
flPlayer.observeField(flPlayerFields.AD_STARTED, "onAdStarted")
flPlayer.observeField(flPlayerFields.AD_FINISHED, "onAdEnded")
sub onAdBreakStarted(event as Object)
adBreakStarted = event.getData()
? "adBreakStarted: ", adBreakStarted
end sub
sub onAdBreakEnded(event as Object)
adBreakEnded = event.getData()
? "adBreakEnded: ", adBreakEnded
end sub
sub onAdStarted(event as Object)
adStarted = event.getData()
? "adStarted: ", adStarted
end sub
sub onAdEnded(event as Object)
adEnded = event.getData()
? "adEnded: ", adEnded
end sub
Ad Metadata
Represents an ad break object. This object is available on observing ad break start and end.
Property | Type | Description |
adBreakID | String | Ad Break Identifier |
contentTimePosition | String | The position of the ad break, can be on of preroll , midroll or postroll |
adBreakStartTimeOffset | Double | The start position in seconds |
duration | Double | The duration of the ad break, in seconds |
totalAds | Integer | Total number of adverts in the ad break |
Represents an advert object. This object is available on observing ad break start and end.
Property | Type | Description |
adID | String | The identifier of the advert |
sequence | Integer | The sequence of the advert |
adStartTimeOffset | Double | The start position in seconds |
duration | Double | The duration of the advert in seconds |
adBreakInfo | FLAdBreakInfo | The ad break which the advert belongs to |
vastProperties | FLVastProperties | Represents a VAST properties object. |
Represents a VAST properties object.
Property | Type | Description |
adSystem | String | The name of the system |
adTitle | String | The title of the Ad. |
description | String | The description of the Ad |
RAF (Roku Advertising Framework)
Since Roku mandates all channel apps that include video advertising to use RAF, the fl-ad-yospace library uses RAF by default through Yospace library.
The Yospace Ad Management SDK contains a class named YoRAFTasks
which supports a subset of the Roku Advertising Framework (RAF) API functions.
RAF APIs with FLAdYospacePlayer
The ad player exposes the Yospace RAF APIs as follows.
These functions can be invoked as follows:
flPlayer.callFunc(m.flPlayerFunctions.SET_CONTENT_GENRE, "Drama, Dark Comedy")
flPlayer.callFunc(m.flPlayerFunctions.SET_CONTENT_LENGTH, "1800")
YoRAFTasks and Roku Library Private APIs
The Roku RAF library interface contains functions which are private, or which require a subscriber licence (for example, the Demand API). The fl-ad-yospace library is unable to support these directly. Instead, YoRAFTasks
from Yospace library provides direct access to its instance of the RAF library interface in order that the client app may call such functions.
Please note you must include the Yospace library scripts to whichever component from where Yospace RAF api is consumed using. Check for script that has class YoRAFTasks
with Yospace library and use the same.
For the YoRAFTasks
API to work correctly, it is suggested to consume these APIs after FLAdYospacePlayer
component init as Yospace library is prepared within ad player initialisation and before starting playback.
raftasks = YoGetRAFTasks()
' next, get the RAF library interface
adinterface = raftasks.GetAdInterface()
' use the interface to call the required licensed function
m.licensedData = adinterface.licensedFunction({licence_id: “1234”, tag_id: “TAG”})
The Object returned is an instance of Roku_Ads() and can be used to call any private or licensed function.
In order to ensure that the interface remains correctly synchronised with the Ad Management SDK, the client app must continue to call public RAF API methods using the YoRAFTasks interface.