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360 Degree Camera Mode

Quickplay player now supports 360 degree camera mode for live channel/events. 360 playback mode is separate stream itself, Idea is to enable this feature in specific channel with limited period or particular slot.

Content Authorization

A PlatformAsset for the 360 Degree camera supported content should be constructed with playbackMode = "live360".

// create asset
val platformAsset = PlatformAsset(
playbackMode = "live360"

Playback Auth Response

The live360 mode enabled content will get additional params in playback auth response.

live360StartTimeStringThe start time for 360 degree stream in ISO8601 format
live360EndTimeStringThe end time for 360 degree stream in ISO8601 format.
live360EnabledBooleanThe flag indicates whether the 360 degree camera is enabled for the content.
live360ContentIdStringThe unique identifier of the 360 degree content or the resource identifier.

Setup Heartbeat

To extend support for 360 Degree camera feature, HeartbeatManager will now accept couple of additional params.

live360StartTimeStringThe start time for 360 degree stream in ISO8601 format.
live360EndTimeStringThe end time for 360 degree stream in ISO8601 format.
val heartbeatManager = HeartbeatFactory.createHeartbeatManager(
live360StartTime = contentAuthToken.live360StartTime,
live360EndTime = contentAuthToken.live360EndTime

Listen for stream events

Client Application will be notified with LIVE_360_AVAILABLE and LIVE_360_UNAVAILABLE events through streamTimelineEvent of onEventReceived callback in playerListener

override fun onEventReceived(
streamTimelineEvent: StreamTimelineEvent,
suggestedAction: Action,
streamTimelineMetadata: StreamTimelineMetadata?
) {

when (streamTimelineEvent) {
StreamTimelineEvent.LIVE_360_AVAILABLE -> {
//Show 360 icon
StreamTimelineEvent.LIVE_360_UNAVAILABLE -> {
//Hide 360 icon